First my ode to the flipp-flopp: I love flipp-flopps. They are my trademark footwear. I wore them to Senior Prom (applied the glitter myself with ModPodge paste... they started to melt as soon as I started dancing), High School Graduation (white with a daisy chain ribbon hot glued onto the straps), College Graduation (a very mature black kitten heel flipp flopp), and pretty much every day between the day the snow STARTS to melt and the day the snow is too deep to walk in again. At one point I owned over 16 pairs. Currently I own a pair of hot pink platform flipp flopps with plastic fruit attached (Think the Chiquita Banana Lady-- they were a gift). They are comfortable, inexpensive, available in any color you could want and generally fabulous. I love them.
My heart will always be with the flipp flopp so please don't hold the next statement against me. I think I want to wear heels at my wedding. Well at least for the ceremony - let's be honest the flipp flopps will make a comeback for dancing at the reception. But I love the idea of a brightly colored shoe peeping out from underneath a wedding gown. It's all pretty in white and then BAM! crazy color. Now which shoe to pick!?!
(Left to Right): Overstock: Nine West Georgy Dark Purple/Dark Purple Fabric; Overstock: Tribeca Net Prime Grape Satin; Overstock: Charles by Charles David 'Tux' Women's Peep-- In teal!!; Overstock: Two Lips Maia Purple.

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